雅思口语题库的数量,part 1约35个,part 2&3约55个。雅思的口语题都是从固定的话题库里出,其中1,5,9月为换题月,这也是口语预测最容易命中的原因,所以口语必看预测,口语备考最重要的是过当月题库里面的话题卡。口语其实是最能投机取巧的一门科目,因为范围都是100%准确的,你的努力程度到哪里,分数就到哪里。
1. 与考官见面用语
Glad to meet you here.
How nice to see you.
Fancy seeing you.
How are you?
I’m glad to have had the opportunity to meet you here.
I’m glad to meet you.
I’m please to meet you.
It’s a pleasure to meet you.
2. 对考官所提问题完全听不懂
Could you please rephrase that question / topic?
I’m not exactly sure what you mean…
3. 对考官所提问题似懂非懂
Do you mean…?
If I understand right,…
I’m sorry if I’m being a little slow, but…?
I’m sorry, I’m not sure I understand. Do you mean (that)…?
So am I right in saying…?
If I’ve got the picture, then…
So what you mean is…, right?
Sorry I don’t quite catch you. You mean…?
Can I get one thing clear?
Would I be correct in supposing…?
4. 对考官所提问题的内容不熟悉
I’m not exactly sure how to answer that question, but (perhaps)…
That’s a rather difficult question, but (maybe)…
I’m sorry, but I don’t know much about…
1. 与考官见面用语
Glad to meet you here.
How nice to see you.
Fancy seeing you.
How are you?
I’m glad to have had the opportunity to meet you here.
I’m glad to meet you.
I’m please to meet you.
It’s a pleasure to meet you.
2. 对考官所提问题完全听不懂
Could you please rephrase that question / topic?
I’m not exactly sure what you mean…
3. 对考官所提问题似懂非懂
Do you mean…?
If I understand right,…
I’m sorry if I’m being a little slow, but…?
I’m sorry, I’m not sure I understand. Do you mean (that)…?
So am I right in saying…?
If I’ve got the picture, then…
So what you mean is…, right?
Sorry I don’t quite catch you. You mean…?
Can I get one thing clear?
Would I be correct in supposing…?
4. 对考官所提问题的内容不熟悉
I’m not exactly sure how to answer that question, but (perhaps)…
That’s a rather difficult question, but (maybe)…
I’m sorry, but I don’t know much about…
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