托福口语一直是很多考生都比较担心的一项考试,但是托福口语对于大家托福最终的考试成绩还是有很大的影响的。托福口语考试分为6个部分,在托福口语备考中,考生要做的是学习和掌握应对不同部分和题型。今天小编给大家来说说关于托福口语task5的考试内容,可以为大家提供关于托福口语task5的答题思路,所以小编今天就从托福口语task5原文题型 说起,帮助大家更好的去备考托福口语task5的部分,希望今天的内容能够帮助到大家哦。
Listen to a conversation between two students.
M: What’s up, Karen?
W: Oh, hey, Bill. I’m just trying to figure out what to do.
M: About what?
W: Well, I volunteer at the local elementary school because, you know, I’m an education major and I help children with homework there after school. We also plan some fun activities with them on weekends.
M: Cool.
W: Yeah, it’s a great program and the kids really love it. So I was planning to take them on a picnic outside tomorrow. I was going to bring along fruit, sandwiches and have their parents drop them off at the park so we can all eat together.
M: Sounds like fun as long as the weather’s good.
W: Well, that’s the thing. Turns out it’s supposed to rain all day tomorrow.
M: Ah oh, what are you gonna do?
W: That’s what I’m trying to figure out. I could reschedule the picnic, call everyone tonight and see if they could come to the park next weekend. The weather would probably be better then but I doubt they’d all be able to make it.
M: Yeah, I see what you mean. Some of them might miss out.
W: Or, you know, I could have their parents drop them off at a local restaurant and have everyone meet there instead of doing a picnic.
M: Right, in that way, you could still do it tomorrow so you wouldn’t have to cancel.
W: But the thing is that it may not be as much fun to eat inside because you know it wouldn’t really be a picnic then.
Briefly summarize the problem the speakers are discussing. Then state which of the two solutions from the onversation you would recommend. Explain the reasons for your recommendation.
In the conversation, the student is facing a problem that she is planning to take a whole bunch of kids on a picnic but it is going to rain tomorrow. There are two solutions. She could choose either to reschedule the picnic or have kids’ parents drop them off at a local restaurant to eat inside. As for me, I prefer the latter because of two reasons. If the picnic is canceled, the kids must be very disappointed, which makes it harder for the girl to organize a similar activity in the future. Plus, even though eating inside a local restaurant may be as not interesting as an outdoor picnic, the girl could still make it with much more fun by preparing several entertaining games in advance. In this case, she could prevent the children from feeling quite bored during the process. Therefore, because of these two reasons, I think the second choice is better.
至于 Task 3-Task 6,则是综合性话题,有相关文本内容和素材,考生需要在回答的时候,尽可能充分地将这些文本包含在回答的录音音频中。那么,既然Task 3-Task 6有相关的具体文本的支持,那么作为考生,我们就需要充分且有效地使用文本内容去回答。回答过程中,To be efficient地使用文本、有取舍地利用文本、有逻辑地规划文本的使用顺序,则会帮助我们在规定时间内满足题目的要求,且可以相对流利地给出答案。
这里,我要着重谈谈如何有效地去回答Task 5。Task5是所有综合性话题中独一可以加上自己意见的题型。但注意,这里说到“加 上自己的意见”,并不代表这些意见必须是我们凭空想象出来的。相反,只要我们合理地利用文本,文本可以有效地帮助我们给出见解进而避开“凭空想象的意见”,因为考生们常常会遇到一个困境,则是在没有文本支持的情况下,难以独自构想出意见或理由。 类似困境在 Task1 和 Task2 中常常出现。众所周知,Task5往往会这样问我们:
The two people in the conversation are discussing two possible solutions to the man/woman's problem. Describe the problem and the two solutions. Then state which of the two solutions you prefer and explain why.
首先我们要留意题目的要求。题目中说,我们需要先描述男女对话中出现的那个“问 题”以及“两个解决方案”。然后我们要陈述“两个解决方案中”我们自己所倾向的那个方案,并且解释“为什么”。于是,我们在记笔记的时候,则需要记下 problem、两个solutions、以及两个solutions的“反驳意见”等的关键词。即: P 1.Solution 反驳意见 2.Solutio反驳意见然后,我们只需要做一件事情就可以了,即:打勾和打叉。 我们首先在我们支持的那个 Solution 之前打个勾,并且在我们不支持的那个Solution 下面的“反驳意见”前面打个叉。假设我们支持Solution1而不同意Solution 2,那么我们就可以作如下选择: √ 1. Solution反驳意见2. Solution × 反驳意见所以,当我们去答问题的时候,我们可以首先说: The man/woman has a problem that…
然后说: There are two possible solutions. First one is…Second one is…
接着,我们就会用到前文提到的“打勾和打叉”的方法。我们说: If I were her/him, I would suggest the first solution. Because if I chose the second solution, I would…(后面所有的内容,都是选择Solution2的缺点)这样,我们就把所有题目中的要求都完成了。因为,如果我选择 1,那么不选择2的原 因则是因为 Solution 2有种种缺点。Solution 2的反驳意见,就是那些缺点的文本,也是我们可以利用的文本资源,借以作为我们支持Solution1的原因。至于回答的模板,同学们可以选择任何你们自己觉得习惯或者喜欢的。
然而,这样的回答并不完美,因为我们并没有给出我们自己支持 Solution 1 的正面意见。但是,我们至少已经完成了题目要求我们做的一切,先讲不选择的 Solution的缺点可以帮助我们相对流利地完成题目的基本要求,且无需陷入凭空思考和想象的困境中。
The first种方法是使用文本自带的好处。有的时候,对话者给出解决方案的时候,往往会顺 带提及这个解决方案的原因或好处(但是,这些关于好处的文本并不一定会出现在听力材料中,大家需要留意)。因而回答时,当我们说到两个Solution 的时候,千万不要先把 Solution中自带的好处给说了,而是要留到后面,当我们作完选择且需要给出第二个原因的时候再说。第二种方法则要有效利用“反驳意见”。比如,假如选择Solution 1,当我们在说选择Solution1的原因的时候,可以强调克服 Solution 1 的“反驳意见”的方法,即:如何克服Solution 1的缺点。如果 Solution 1的缺点能够轻易克服,那么选Solution 1也就顺理成章了。
第三种方法则是强调我们不选择的那个 Solution 的“反驳意见”的“相反内容”。这个方法有点复杂,适用性也没有前两者广泛。打个比方,在新航道《托福口语真经三》中有这样一个话题。某一个女孩把书忘在家里,因而无法按时完成作业。The first个解决方案是:向她的室友借书。第二个解决方案是:第二天早上开车回家拿书,然后再完成作业。第二个解决方案的“反驳意见”则是:女孩会迟交作业。那么,假如我们选择The first个解决方案,也就意味着:女孩可以准时交作业。这也就是说“准时交作业”是“迟交作业”的相反内容。之所以我们可以使用这个方法,是因为 Solution1和Solution2,有的时候在内容上是相反的。因此,两个 Solution 的“反驳意见”在内容上也可能是相对的。以上三种方法中,后两种仍旧掺杂了一些我们自己的思考和想法。但是,归根结底,我们之所以可以相对轻松地去构想“克服缺点”的方法和所谓的“相反内容”,也是基于听力文本中给出的已有信号。至于The first种方法,听力中如果直接交代了,我们为什么不先充分利用呢?上述的回答Task 5的方法并非多方便,但是,假如我们熟练地使用,则可以非常有效地提高Task 5的分数,甚至能十分完美地给出回答。我们很不错先尽可能利用文本资料,然后再独立思考,并保证流利度。 哪种方法直接有效,我们则需要率先采纳,希望对同学们有所帮助。
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