An unforgettable roommates experience?
There's this one in Oakington Avenue, at £550 a month. Combined living room and dining room, with a separate kitchen. It doesn't have a garage, though you can park in the road. Ah, we'd prefer to have one, if possible. Right. Then have a look at this house, in Mead Street. It's got a very large living room and kitchen, bathroom, cloakroom. How much is it? That one's 580. It's very well furnished and equipped. It also has plenty of space for parking, and it's available for a minimum of a year. Oh, and there's a big garden. I don't think we could cope with that, to be honest. We'll be too busy to look after it. Okay. Then there's this older house in Hamilton Road, living room, kitchen-diner, and it has a study, 550 a month. That looks rather nice. But whereabouts in Hamilton Road? Towards the western end. Oh, that'll be very noisy. I know the area. Yes, it's pretty lively. Some people like it, though. Well, what about this house in Devon Close? That looks lovely. There's a big demand for houses in that area, so prices tend to be quite high. But this one hasn't been decorated for a few years, which has kept the rent down a bit. It's got a living room, dining room and small kitchen, and it's 595 a month. I think it would suit you, from what you've said. It sounds fine.
home stay 住在当地居民家中
dormitory 大学宿舍
flat 公寓
hostel 青年公寓
landlady 房东太太
landlord 房东
surroundings 环境
single room 单人间
double room 双人间
rent 租金
(un)furnished (不)配备家具的
furniture 家具
fitting 装置,家具
suite (一套)家具
furnish 布置
fit up 装备
decorate 装饰,布置
ornament 装饰,美化
armchair 配齐,装备
bookcase 书架
cupboard 碗橱
bureau 写字台
bench 长椅
settle 长椅
stool 凳子
deckchair 折叠帆布长椅
high chair 高脚椅
couch 长沙发
settee 中小型沙发
divan 木制软垫长椅
bedstead 床架
hammock 吊床
chest of drawers 五斗橱
bureau (卧室内)有抽屉的柜子
sideboard 餐具柜
cabinet 酒柜
facilities 设施
bathroom 卫生间
shower 淋浴
kitchen 厨房
air-conditional 有空调的
heater 加热器
central heating 中央暖气系统
refrigerator 电冰箱
microwave oven 微波炉
balcony 阳台
attic room 顶楼,阁楼
towel 毛巾
mattress 床垫
mat 地席,垫子
blanket 毯子
rug 小地毯
carpet 地毯
quilt 被子
bedspread 床罩
sheet 床单
pillow 枕头
pillowcase 枕头套
bolster 长枕套
bed line 被单和枕套
mat 席子
mattress 床垫
curtain 窗帘,帘子
drape 窗帘
drapery 有褶子的布料。窗帘布料
hangings 门帘,帷幕
wallpaper 壁纸,墙纸
canopy 顶棚,天棚
awning (窗/门上的)遮蓬
shutters 百叶窗
utensil 器皿,用具
ashtray 烟灰缸
bedside-lamp 床头灯
bowl 碗
comb 梳子
french windows 落地灯
kettle 水壶
mirror 镜子
radiator 取暖电炉
safety-razor 安全剃刀
scale 磅秤
toothbrush 牙刷
what’s the rent?
how much is _______?
how much does ______ cost?
rent costs approximately ______.
the average water bill is _______.
two people need at least ______ for ______.
is there a _______? are there any ______?
dose it have a (any)_______?
how many _______ are there?
when can i _______?
how about monday?
why don’t you come on _____?
can i see _______ this week?
我发现-一个很有意思的情形: 一个中国人一个外国人走在一起,不管外国人说什么中国人都当成至理名言一般“认真倾听”,对话中用的最多的就
我建议大家一定要放下包袱,敢于在老外面前"严肃”地用英语提出自己独到的观点和见解,同时“逼”着自己找出两条以上的理由来支撑。如果觉得说的不好,也不用着急,回去慢慢想,再说- -遍,争取下次说好就可以了。交谈话题可以涉及方方面面。另外千万不要害怕对方向你问"why",正是通过这个过程,具体说理和细节展开能力才会得到提高。
在日常会话中我们发现外国人的表达其实并不复杂,但听着却显得层次分明,原因便在于他们作为native speaker地道的语音和自然的节奏停顿。我们总是习惯于将中文语境下的停顿迁移到英语中,但真正能够说好英语,需要的是英语语境下的恰当停顿,这点是我们最需要模仿和学习的。
我发现周围很多朋友面对外国人,依旧是以一种“景仰”的姿态把他们视作”宾客”,说起话来小心翼翼,即使开个玩笑也显得僵硬死板。我们大可不必如此,完全可以把与他们的对话视作平凡生活中的- -部分,把他们当作普通人,随意聊,不想睬他们就把他们晾在一边,总之不要客套。.
我们精心为大家整理的《雅思口语题库关于合租话题 租房场景有关词汇》文章不知道大家满不满意,如果大家想了解更多语言培训相关的信息,请关注语言培训栏目。