大师兄留学网【留学网 dsxliuxue.com】小编为大家带来英国留学生活必备app,希望对大家有帮助。
上课用的 | Lecture capture apps
SoundNote (iOS)
流行于 iPad 用户,支持视频以及音频
Office Lens
支持拍照,转化成 PDF, Word or PowerPoint,
将数据储存在 OneNote or OneDrive
Lecture Capture (iOS)
Notes Plus (iOS)
The Voice Recorder (iOS)
温习功课用 | Revision apps
温习功课的 app 关键点其实在于——Have fun
适合喜欢用 flash card 的同学
revision charts, mind maps, flash cards, notes and quizzes
Revision App (iOS)
Exam Countdown (iOS)
备考用 | Exam prep apps
用于 MCAT, GMAT, LSAT and GRE tests
TCY Exam Prep (Android)
提供 MBA/CAT tests, GRE, GATE and bank exams
用于学习计划的 | Student planner apps
Organization 是大学生活的关键词,这就是为什么 student planner apps 变得越发的流行。
Timetable (Android)
an app featuring a sharp and clean interface which you can map your timetable onto with ease
My Class Schedule (Android) or Class Timetable (iOS)
more familiar-looking planner apps for students, with a more traditional spreadsheet-style layout
用于图书馆 | Bibliography helper apps
如果你曾经花过数个小数来完成一个繁琐的文献目录,你知道这是需要很多工作量来完成的,比如特定的信息在特定的位置。作为一个对学生来说高效的app,EasyBib通过扫描书籍的条形码,能够轻松地帮助学生做好学术参考文献。同时,EasyBib提供了多种参考文献的格式,比如MLA, APA以及Chicago styles。通过手机轻轻一扫书籍条形码,专业参考文献填写就轻松解决了。
用于视频通话 | Video call apps
大多数学生都了解像 Skype 和 Facetime 视频通话软件,这种搭载高质量摄像头的科技从已经被广泛运用在计算机上 到被配置在各种手持设备。苹果手机的FaceTime能够让我们轻松的拨打电话;在平板电脑上进行视频通话和上网,发短袖等都能同步进行。当然还有像 Fring 和 Tango 这类app带头视频通话以及其他功能。
安全问题 | Student safety apps
Circle of Six
works on both Android and iOS, and was designed for university students to keep connected with close friends. The app is particularly useful for locating lost friends on nights out and also allows users to send their circle of six friends an instant call for help at the touch of a button. The GPS tracker will mark your location on your friends’ devices, ensuring you’ll always be able to find one another if necessary.
bSafe, Bugle, React Mobile and GuardianSentral (iOS)
an on-campus guardian app being road-tested at select institutions.
用于叫醒 | Wake-up apps
Alarmy: Sleep If You Can
Alarmy is an alarm app for students which requires users to complete small tasks (such as taking a photo of something specific or shaking the phone up and down a number of times) before the alarm turns itself off. Not only will this mean you’re alert and raring to go, Alarmy will also give you the latest weather update so you can decide whether to arm yourself with an umbrella before leaving home.
Sleep Cycle
aims to correct its users’ sleeping pattern by waking them up during their lightest sleep phase. The app does this by monitoring both movement and the time the user went to sleep. This means you should wake up feeling less groggy in the mornings, and you might also get an extra 10 minutes of breakfast time.
用于喝酒应酬 | Responsible-drinking apps
WiseDrinking 能够了解你的饮酒量以及提供一个让你喝酒到喝醉前的安全指标,这个时候就是你该打车回家的时候了。
当然如果你想更精确的结果,可以考虑买一个体内酒量测定器 Alcohoot 连接到你的智能手机。
用于健身 | Fun fitness apps
Zombies, Run!
Zombies, Run! 让你跑步变得有趣,在听音乐的同时该App会穿插僵尸侵袭的音效,为了不被感染,唯一你能做的当然就是赶紧逃跑啦~
跑步App推荐的还有 Nike Training Club (iOS), Sworkit, Moves, Fitbit (iOS)
,等等。Nudge 这个App比较全面,能够保存你自身各类信息,比如饮食营养、锻炼、消化系统、睡眠信息等等。
用于健康饮食 | Healthy eating apps
Rockin Ramen (iOS)
MealBoard (iOS)
没问题!Rockin Ramen(IOS) 完美解决你的困境。这个App提供多种以小麦为主食的有营养的食谱。
类似的App像 MealBoard(IOS)也值得尝试。
Other helpful student apps
Oxford English Dictionary – 在线查字典,官方纯净免费App~
to look up words on the go (free with adverts, or paid with no ads).
Dictionary.com Dictionary & Thesaurus – 著名在线字典,支持离线查询,想省流量钱的怎么能错过~
dictionary and word-finder for those on a budget; also works offline.
Dropbox for mobile – 云存储平台,保存编辑分享各种文档,图片等等。
access and edit documents, upload photos and play your own videos anywhere.
Penultimate – 印象笔记旗下的手写App,用电子比操控,方便快捷,可分享。
a handwriting app made by EverNote, allowing users to write with a digital pen and upload the work to any device.
Skout – 一个在周围查找可以认识交友的App
a friend-finder app helping students meet new people in their locality.
Socrative – 做小测验的App
student app for quizzing and assessment.
Apps for students in London
1) Tubenav
新到一个城市,最常问的问题恐怕就是“What’s the nearest station to…?”
Tubenav 正好回答了这些问题!这个App涵盖了伦敦主流地点以及商店。轻轻一点即可餐厅订座,和查看评论以及相关图片。同时作为一个在线地图,带有各种交通的指南,让你不再迷路。
2) RedLaser
RedLaser 这个App可以通过扫描物品条形码,发现该物品是否在其他网站或者商店有更便宜的价格。对于想紧跟潮流又是屌丝的你,简直是必入的神器啊!
3) TimeOut
如果你属于喜欢参加各种活动的城市人,那么就下载 TimeOut 吧!不仅仅提供了伦敦,还有其他大城市每周各式各样的节日活动。活动的评论能够让你轻松决定是否值得一去。App里的每周精选早餐已经最新的艺术开幕式也是一大特色哦。
4) Hungry House
你也许喜欢自己做饭,研究美食,但是总有那么几天你想让你的吃饭变得简单点,简单点~。当然伦敦这么大一座城市,美食当然也是很多,何不试试 Hungry House,让美食直达你宿舍楼门口~
这是一个外卖App,评论都是真实可靠,同时很多商家都有折扣,Hungry House 简直就是 Londoners 的最爱。
5) Uber
Uber 这个App大家都知道,向国内滴滴快车一样,虽然已经被滴滴收购,但是 Uber 私家车的优势在于价格实惠,更快捷方便。哪天错过了地铁巴士,Uber是你完美的助手。当然,不管Uber还是其他类似私家车打车App,安全第一,上车前确认好车牌号并且最好确认司机头像和真人一致。