1 Not introducing others.不介绍别人
You've been cruising through life, thinking you've got everything figured out. However, you've noticed that some people give you funny looks, or you are left off the guest list of some of the best parties. Have you considered the possibility that you might be making some etiquette mistakes?
Here are some things you shouldn't do以下是人际交往中你应该避免的行为
If you are standing with someone, and another friend or acquaintance walks up, you should make an introduction. Not doing so is rude. You might be uncomfortable if you have forgotten one of their names, but it's okay to apologize for forgetting.
A simple, 「 I'm sorry, but I don't recall your name, 」 will suffice. And then once you have the person's name, make the introduction.
比如,「 对不起,我一时想不起来您叫什么名字了 」,这句简单的歉语就足够了。一旦知晓了对方的姓名,就可以开始介绍了。
2 Not sending an RSVP.不回复请柬
When someone invites you to a wedding or dinner party, always send the RSVP. Not doing so can mess up the host's planning. If you are unsure of whether or not you can attend, let the host know with the promise of confirming as soon as possible. Then follow through once you are certain. Don't keep the host hanging, or you might find that you don't get an invitation the next time she throws a party.
3 Requesting to see someone's house.要求参观主人家的房间
When you are a guest in someone's home—whether it's for a dinner party or an overnight stay—it isn't appropriate to request a tour of the whole house. The host will take you on a tour if he wants you to see it. Asking for a tour of the house is rude, an invasion of personal space, and can make the host uncomfortable if some of the rooms are closed for a reason.当你在别人家里做客的时候,无论是吃晚饭还是留宿,向主人提出参观家里房间的要求都是不合适的。如果主人真的想让你参观,他会主动带你去的。这种请求是不礼貌的,这样做会侵犯别人的私人空间,尤其当出于某种原因,主人家里的某些房间不便供人参观时,提出参观的请求会让他觉得难堪。
Requesting specific food.要求特定的食物
If you are invited to someone's home for dinner, it isn't polite to ask for certain foods. However, it is fine to let the host know if you have allergies or any religious restrictions so she can let you know what is okay or not okay for you to eat. You still shouldn't expect the host to cater to your dietary needs. You can eat around whatever is available, or if it is okay with your host, bring something to share. At least you'll know that there is one food you can eat.如果你在别人家里用餐,要求主人准备特定的食物是非常不礼貌的行为。不过,你可以告诉主人你对某些食物过敏,或者是由于宗教信仰不能吃哪种食物,这样主人就可以清楚地告诉你哪些食物可以吃哪些不可以吃了。不要期待主人迎合你的饮食喜好。尽情享用主人准备的菜肴,或者征得主人同意后自带食物与大家一同分享。这样的话,至少有一种是你喜欢吃的。
Making people uncomfortable.让别人感到不舒服
Stop and think about how you behave in front of your friends. Are you rude to servers at restaurants? Do you tell inappropriate jokes? Do you show too much affection to your significant other in public? If you can't pinpoint anything, ask a trusted friend who'll be honest with you.你需要停下来想想你在朋友面前的行为举止。你对餐厅的服务员有没有过不礼貌的言行?是否开过不合时宜的玩笑?是否在公共场合和你的另一半举止过分亲昵?如果你不确定问题的答案,就问问信得过的朋友吧,他一定会诚实地说出自己的看法。
Putting someone on speakerphone without her permission.未征得通话对象同意就打开免提
You should always tell the person that she is on speakerphone because she needs to know who her audience is. Not telling her is rude because she might say something that is meant for your ears only. Put yourself in her position and imagine how you'd feel if you unknowingly shared some sensitive information with a group of people.你应该让电话那头的人知道自己开了免提,因为对方需要了解你他讲话的听众是谁。不这么做的话会冒犯对方,因为对方的话可能只适合你一个人听。你应该站在对方的立场上设想一下,假如自己在不知情的情况下向很多人透露了敏感信息,你会是什么感受?